Monday, June 11, 2007

Man describes Boca-area strangling, gets 20 years in prison

By Nancy L. Othón

June 11, 2007, 12:00 PM EDT

WEST PALM BEACH -- In front of his victim's family seated in a Palm Beach County courtroom Monday morning, a New Jersey man calmly recounted how he strangled Linda Fishman more than four years ago at her home west of Boca Raton.

As part of his plea agreement, Fred Kretzmer, 32, had to answer questions from a prosecutor about how and why he murdered Fishman. Kretzmer pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and first-degree arson and will spend 20 years in prison.

Kretzmer said he befriended Fishman at the Marriott in Palm Beach Gardens where he was working in 1999.

In February 2003, he took a taxi to her home on Flower Drive and waited for Fishman to come home, Kretzmer said. He then snuck into her garage and entered her home, he testified.

Kretzmer testified he had gone to Fishman's home to "rekindle an old friendship," but that when Fishman failed to recognize him and began to panic that a strange man was in her home, Kretzmer was "caught very emotionally."

"I went at her and I took her from behind and I strangled her," Kretzmer said.

Kretzmer used a brown cord to strangle Fishman, then poured alcohol on her hands and neck to try to clean up the scene, he said.

At one point in the hearing, Kretzmer turned around to apologize to Fishman's family.

Fishman's sister Bernice Ferency called the apology "weak."

Family members said they agreed to the deal to ensure a conviction and prison time for Kretzmer.


Unknown said...

Are You Interested to Buy West Boca Homes? Please contact with me if you have any questions about buying a home in Boca Raton or elsewhere in Florida.

Stan said...

Yes. I guess I could use a bottom feeder like you to find a house.
You follow up an article about a Florida murder with spam. Just when did you lose your humanity and taste?

Stan said...

I hope he serves every single day of 20 years. He got off easy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Stan for your comment to Mr. Uddin. My sentiments exactly. He solicites business on a blog about a poor woman's murderer? His insensitivity is disturbing.

Anonymous said...

This family just lost a loved one and all this person is interested is selling property. How insensitive can a person be?

Unknown said...

People are only important to loved ones and people die every day.stfu guy just trying to make a buck.

Yvonne D'Elia Real Estate Broker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Name said...

Why not life in prison. 20 years. Not enough

Anonymous said...

Linda was a wonderful person. Kind and generous to everyone. She would help anyone. There’s not a day I don’t think of her. She is still missed by many.

Anonymous said...

This is as vile a comment as there can be.

Anonymous said...

who gets 20 years for such a vile murder, this whole plea deal crap needs to stop. Lawyers work FOR the criminals. this guy IF he serves his full term, will still by relatively when he gets out. Now, as we see with this wretched series of trials for a candidate for the next Presidency. the problem in this country is two fold. Politicians, and LAWYERS.