Florida issues
- 'As if in pain': Notes from Diaz execution
- 2006-260-Executive Order that creates the Governor’s Commission on Administration of Lethal Injection to review the method in which the lethal injecti
- 4 reporters subpoenaed
- A DUVAL judge of course - appointed to the Florida commission by Florida Supreme Court
- A Florida butcher - called medical expert - disclosed in Florida
- A list of 59 inmates executed since Florida resumed executions in 1979
- A man in a white lab coat with a stethoscope hanging out of his pocket passed by behind us and went into the execution chamber.
- About the Department of Corrections’ Task Force
- Affidavit of Maxmillian James Changus, Florida DOC
- Affidavit of Neal Dupree
- Against death: Penalty opponents to speak
- Aiding Executions Betrays Medical Values, Lancet Says (Update1)
- Alan R. Doerhoff has overseen lethal injections since 1995 for the Missouri Department of Corrections.
- All writs petition on lethal injection filed for dozens of Florida death row prisoners - named case Ian Lightbourne
- American Medical Association, EMT Association Say Participation in Executions Violates Medical Ethics
- American Psychological Association Calls for Death Penalty Moratorium
- An EASY FIX from South Florida Sun-Sentinel Editorial Board
- And so the question remains: did Florida brutally kill an innocent man last week?
- Anesthesiologists Advised to Avoid Lethal Injections
- Angel Diaz denied necessary public records by Florida
- Anonymous Medical Professional was Dead Wrong in Lethal Injection Testimony
- Another FLORIDA death row inmate walks a free man after 13 yrs on row
- Authors' reply
- Avant, j'étais pour la peine de mort - Joaquin Martinez - innocent and freed from Florida death row
- Bad LI Botch in Florida
- Behind the mask of the Mo. execution doctor
- Black History Month: Leander Shaw
- Board to study death penalty
- Botched Diaz execution prompts further study by commission
- Botched Execution -- Botched Protocol?
- Botched Execution Demands State Scrutiny Of Lethal Injection
- Botched Executions Challenge Medical Ethics
- Bringing God to the despairing inmates on Florida’s Death Row
- Bus to Starke to protest executions
- Bush orders in-depth look at Diaz execution
- Bush's brother suspends Florida death penalty after botched execution
- Case for death doesn't hold up
- Case inspires protest in Puerto Rico
- Charlie Crist initiated the warrant for Hill based on the SECRET new lethal injection protocol
- Christ names ex-prisons chief , 4 others to lethal injection panel
- Claims of faulty injection disputed
- Cold facts of execution lead to scary conclusion
- Comment to the Florida execution team
- Court rules against death row inmate
- Crist initiated the Florida warrants and worked to hide the new Florida protocol. Now promoted to Governor
- Cruel and unusual
- Dale and Sue Recinella will be featured
- Dead man talking
- Death penalty babble
- Death Penalty Panel Is Nearly Finished
- Death penalty study will be among first items for new Legislature
- Death Row Inmate Dies Naturally
- Deathrow warden back as a abolitionist priest
- Deltona massacre legal bill a record
- Denial - Florida education ...
- Denial is progressive
- DOC alters procedure for lethal injections
- DOC is well-known for detailing everything except, apparently, what happens at an execution
- Doctor Urges Discipline for Execution Involvement
- Doctor: Execution flawed at start
- Doctor: Execution not medical work
- DOCTORS & EXECUTIONS: A complex dilemma of medicine, ethics and law
- Doctors have a long history with executions
- Does Florida care about the pain?
- Double shot to stop the twitching
- Dr. Nik Gravenstein, professor and chairman of anesthesiology at the University of Florida
- Dr. William Hamilton - the Gainesville medical examiner
- Drug Companies and Their Role in Aiding Executions
- Editorial: Executions in Florida
- Ethics clash with justice in executions
- Even Bush's strongest critics could not doubt he had Florida's best interests at heart.
- Excerpts from editorials in Florida newspapers
- Execution commission meets for second time
- Execution debate renewed in United States
- Execution lessons: too secret, too loose
- Execution put under microscope
- Execution Puts Crist To Test
- Execution went wrong; fix more than method
- Executioner Needs Precise Training In Carrying Out Lethal Injections
- Executioners Ill-Prepared, Some Say
- Executioners need more training, Fla. panel says
- Executions must stop
- Executions Put on Hold in Florida and California
- Expert says IV mistakes were made in execution
- Expert Weighs In On Botched Execution
- Expert: Executioners Ignored Key Signs In Botched Killing
- Expert: Key signs ignored in botched execution of Miami killer
- Expert: Lethal injection executions need doctor supervision
- Expert: Man likely felt pain during botched execution
- Experts testify on botched execution
- Experts Warn Execution Drug May Mask Suffering
- Face truths about death penalty
- Family denounces botched Florida execution at funeral in Puerto Rico
- Filing to end lethal injection in Florida - the case of Johnny Robinson
- Florida - An Arbitrary and Capricious Death Penalty System
- Florida - December 13, 2006 Execution of Angel Diaz
- Florida - He has been involved in 84 executions for 5 states and the Federal Government.
- Florida - new DNA exoneration and now release after 24 years
- Florida - Nothing unusual, only the length of time. Nobody saw anything wrong. Nobody did anything wrong. Nobody saw anybody else do anything wrong
- Florida - Of course the Commission will conclude that there were no problems with the execution process, and that the world was flat.
- FLORIDA - They butchered me back there. I was in a lot of pain
- Florida AG's office witheld evidence and misrepresented facts
- FLORIDA AGAIN - Exonerated prisoner embraces a new life
- Florida and Lethal Injection
- Florida botched execution history and the Florida execution team
- Florida Commission Continues Work
- Florida commission finishes lethal-injection review
- Florida death penalty - Racial Disparities.
- Florida Death Penalty and Politics
- Florida Death Penalty Inquiry Welcomed
- Florida death row UCI and Florida State Prison v execution chamber
- Florida death work
- Florida death-penalty system: In legal limbo?
- Florida execution doctor - Rodrigo Quintana
- Florida Execution Procedure
- Florida Governor Halts the Death Penalty
- Florida Governor Jeb Bush's Executive Order 06-260
- Florida Governor says all protocols were followed in the execution of a convicted killer , which took double the usual time .
- Florida lethal injection protocol to use after August 16, 2006
- Florida lethal past
- Florida LI Panel at Work & Reverberations
- Florida Mulls Lethal Injection Problems
- Florida Panel Heard Testimony About Lethal Injection Protocols
- Florida Physician`s Assistent William Mathews role during Florida executions
- Florida Physician`s Assistent William Mathews role during Florida executions
- Florida ready to resume executions
- Florida State negligence of danger during oral arguments in Angel Diaz
- Florida Supreme Court order December 14, 2006
- Florida Supreme Court order on extention of time December 14, 2006
- Florida Supreme Court order on motion to be heard December 14, 2006
- Florida Supreme Court orders the State to respond to all writ petition
- Florida Supreme Court was warned, but insisted Floridas lethal injection procedure was safe
- Florida Supreme docket - Angel Diaz body
- Florida was warned over and over again and did not listen
- Florida's 34 - minute execution fires up debate
- Florida, innocence and arbitrariness
- Florida’s lethal injection problems blamed on human error
- Florida’s lethal injection statute violates the Separation of Powers Clause of the Florida Constitution.
- Florida’s lethal injection statute violates the Separation of Powers Clause of the Florida Constitution.
- From Angel Diaz
- From Marion Circuit Court - Ian Lightbourne
- From Standdown Texas Project about Florida
- From the Docket in Marion Court, Florida - Ian Lightbourne on the botched Florida lethal injection procedure and history
- God chose my uncle to change history
- Governor Appoints Five To The Commission On Administration of Lethal Injection
- Governor Jeb Bush orders moratorium after botched execution
- GOVERNOR JEB BUSH/ Commission on Administration of Lethal Injection
- Governor Suspends All Florida Executions
- Governor to review execution procedures
- Governor-Elect Crist Releases Statement on Diaz Execution
- Health care professionals ought not participate in executions
- Helping ex-inmates the smart thing to do
- Hill v. McDonough
- Holocaust denial
- How homicide series unfolded
- http://www.angel-diaz.us/lethal/allwritpetition.htm
- http://www.arthurrutherford.us/legal/rutherfordfurman3850.htm
- Impulse to kill a murderer is worng
- In Florida the preliminary results of the lethal injection committee
- In memory of Amos and Clarence
- In memory of Angel Diaz
- In what kuckuckfairyland is this Mr Bryant living in?
- Inadequate anaesthesia in lethal injection for execution
- Inadequate anaesthesia in lethal injection for execution
- Inhumane penalty
- Inmate Seemed Like He Would Never Die
- Inmate's attorneys fight against execution
- Inmates Probably Conscious During Lethal Injections
- Interviewed the executioners himself - Florida
- Is there a humane way to snuff out a life?
- ISSUE: Bush criticized for halting executions.
- It really sounds like he was tortured to death
- It sounds like the DOC employees were at a different execution than the witnesses
- It will be a mess
- It would be impossible for the chemicals to be released into the tissues post-mortem
- It's a shame it had to play out this way to get someone's attention
- IV lines debated in inmate's botched execution
- Jonathan I. Groner, M.D
- Journalists subpoenaed to testify in lethal injection case
- Judge Roberts Removed From Case
- Justice Anstead, Florida Supreme Court dissent - Arthur Rutherford
- Justice Anstead, Florida Supreme Court dissent in Clarence Hill
- Killing a father by snitch and torture - unamerican?
- LAST IN : Florida Inmate found Not Guilty after 24 years
- Lawyer Todd Doss warned against the DOC secrecy in Hill
- Lawyers, death penalty opponents outraged by 34-minute execution
- Lethal horror
- Lethal injection : A closer look
- Lethal injection changes proposed
- Lethal Injection Meeting
- Lethal Injection Task Force
- Lethal injection's humanity under increasing fire
- Lethal injections may be ruled as unconstitutional
- Lethal injections may cause suffocation
- Letter to the president of the New Mexico State Board of Medical Examiners on Dr. Fred Pintz' involvement and assistance in procuring drugs for the ex
- Lots of lethal injection inspection news
- Man executed for Miami bar slaying takes 34 minutes to die
- Many possible problems in an execution that could cause an inmate pain
- MEDICAL DEATH TEAM - the profession can be PROUD
- Medical examiner in boot camp death is ordered to work under supervision - Florida
- Method was challenged in the past
- Michael Peltier: Another look at capital punishment
- Missouri Says It Can't Find Execution Doctor
- Mo. Execution Doctor Had History of Errors
- More debate on problematic execution
- More gruesome details from Florida
- More than a little sickening
- Motion to be heard
- Mr. Diaz has made numerous demands for additional public records
- No Training Required For Executioner
- Nurses to look at death penalty
- Observations Regarding Lethal Injection
- Old questions raised by botch of latest execution
- On this day in history Amos King was killed innocent in Florida by lethal injection
- Onesided commission established in Florida to investigate Angel Diaz death
- Our view: Executing justice
- Padilla update
- Panel finding answers elusive
- Panel to discuss lethal injection issue
- Physician Participation in Capital Punishment
- Please meet the Florida Commission here - PUBLIC MEETING
- Prison health care in crisis
- Prison officials botched the insertion of the needles
- Prison officials would not allow Selyutin to be interviewed.
- Prison Workers Must Shape Up - Florida DOC - hopefully the execution doctors too ....
- Pro DP persons do not see pain ......
- Protecting Human Rights From Death
- Recommendations coming on reducing errors in executions
- Response to Creation of Commission on Administration of Lethal Injection in Florida
- Review of lethal injection complete
- Rolling execution closes chapter of area history
- Second dose needed to kill inmate
- Section 922.105, Florida Statutes, violates the Separation of Powers clause of the Florida Constitution
- Slow death raises execution questions
- Smith won't open execution inquiry
- Some Examples of Post-Furman Botched Executions
- St. Petersburg, Fla. _ Meeting of the Governors Commission on Administration of Lethal Injection.
- State death penalty halted
- State panel discusses how to execute criminals
- State Senator May Request Audiotaping Of Executions
- Statement from Secretary James R. Mc.Donough regarding the execution of Angel Nieves Diaz
- Stop killing people who kill people
- Sudden Death?
- Supreme Court rejects appeals of killer set to die Wednesday
- Surgeon cites link between lethal injection, Nazis
- Thank you Dr. Yaes for a well thought out posting
- The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) panel on
- The arbitrariness in the treatment of evidence of actual innocence.
- The case of Arthur Rutherford - Florida
- The Culture of Death Continues
- The execution team members in the botched execution of Jesse Tafero
- The Exonerated - Florida - a broken system
- The first public meeting of the new Governor's Commission on the Administration of Lethal Injection
- The Florida doctor is embarrassing himself.
- The Florida execution doctor - a hooded physician
- The Florida execution doctor - NO MORE FLORIDA SECRECY
- The Florida execution team
- The Florida secrecy
- The Florida SECRECY now disclosed
- The Gainesville Sun shines some light on lethal injection
- The Governor's Commission on the Administration of Lethal Injection held their first meeting
- The Lancet September 24, 2005; v. 366, n. 9491, p. 1074
- The Lancet September 24, 2005; v. 366, n. 9491, pp. 1073-1074
- The lethal injection reply in Arthur Rutherford
- The new Florida Lethal Injection Protocol effective for executions after August 16, 2006
- The new Florida protocol for lethal injection executions - questions to the Investigation Commission
- The North Carolina Medical Board takes the position that physician participation in capital punishment is a departure from the ethics of the medical p
- The only logical conclusion is there was gross negligence here
- The other victims
- The public wants to know
- The state can't execute
- The Whitewash Commission - Florida
- There are problems with the Florida lethal injection protocol and those fears came to reality
- They had to execute him twice
- They were warned in appeal after appeal
- This Dr X is lying and since he touted to be a qualified doctor, his lying is perjury before a legal commission.
- This Dr X is lying and since he touted to be a qualified doctor, his lying is perjury before a legal commission.
- This is a bit late, Jeb ....
- THUMBS DOWN to the state of Florida
- To declare that there is nothing medical about killing this way is like declaring that the Earth is flat.
- To Florida State Prison to interview members of the execution team
- To Obtain Public Records Florida - Rule 3852 i
- To obtain public records in Florida - rule 3852 h 3
- Todd Doss - the lawyer of Clarence Hill and now Angel Diaz family
- Transcript - The Florida Governor's Commission on the Administration of Lethal met again February 19, 2007
- Updates on the work of Florida's LI commission
- US Supreme Court rules Florida death row inmate cannot appeal due to missed filing deadline
- Wanda Valdes thoughts
- Warden: Diaz Showed No Signs Of Pain In Botched Execution
- Warden: Execution caused no pain
- Warden: Inmate showed no signs of pain in botched execution
- Warden: Inmate showed no signs of pain in botched execution
- What is lamentable is the absence of disciplinary sanctions against licenses
- When Executions Go Wrong: A Horribly Botched Florida Killing Adds Strong Impetus to a National Reconsideration of Capital Punishment
- When Law and Ethics Collide — Why Physicians Participate in Executions
- Whose fault was it?
- Why can't state stop botching executions?
- Why else would there be a need for pancuronium
- Why Physicians Participate in Executions
- Will lethal injection woes speed abolition?
- William F. Mathews role during Allen Lee Davis Execution
- William Mathews active role is evident in this execution and the ongoing botched executions
- William Mathews affidavit
- William Mathews also related to the botched Florida execution of Pedro Medina
- William Mathews attended 20 executions by 1990 - how many today ???
- William Mathews in Pedro Medina botched execution
- William Mathews in the botched execution of Jesse Tafero
- William Mathews role during Florida executions
- Witness: Condemned inmate's IV was OK
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